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Godley Stud Riding School
Green Lane, Hyde, SK14 3BD
Livery and Transport
Full and Working Livery now available
Full Livery quote will depend on size of horse or pony
We will be happy to try and beat any quote
Please ring Cheryl for a Full Livery quotation form
Horses and Ponies on Working Livery (mostly all cost will be paid for)
Must be 100% safe to ride and no health problems
Quotation forms on 07527877744
Transport for horses available
Excellent reliable service , in ifor williams Trailer
For owners with larger horses, the HB511 is likely to be the natural choice. Being longer and wider than the HB506,
the HB511 is suitable for carrying two horses up to 17.2hh. The HB511 is fitted with a pair of side windows and a
larger front inspection window, allowing more light into the trailer.
Ring for competitive quote